What’s been going down

Previously, in the lives of the Hakramas….

I have been unemployed for a very long time.  I first resigned in August because of my then fiancé not being able to legally work in Finland.  After we married, we moved to his native country Albania in hopes of living off our savings for a while while we wait for his residence permit.  Fast forward to now, he is now legal, studying Finnish in order to then study something else.  I, on the other hand, am still unoccupied, as this town is a dead zone in regards of, well, jobs in any field I have experience in.  As for my mental state, I’m somewhere between watching Jimmy Fallon all day long and clinical depression.

Some happy news, however, (still not pregnant, sorry relatives) we have an apartment for the summer, woohoo!!  This is only the third time I move out of my parents’ house (eheh), so, it’s a big deal.

Equally exciting to me: I finally finished my application for my Master’s and now have to suffer until July to find out what our Autumn will look like.  I’m not going to lie, I really, really, really hope I can finish my studies and score a job I always wanted.

Finally, we are going out on a much needed date tonight!!  Right now this means as much as anything mentioned above.  Before we married, my husband said we need to keep dating during our marriage and now I can see he was absolutely right.  Why?  Because it’s so easy to get caught up in the daily hassle of bills, budgeting, paper work and who should do the dishes.  I can’t even imagine what adding kids to the equation does to romance -parents probably think I shouldn’t even be talking about this.  However, anyone can struggle with the loss of romance in their relationship.  So, tonight, we are going to eat food I didn’t cook and not talk about tax reports and dentist bills, yay.

So, small victories, I guess.  We are taking baby steps towards a so-called normal life where both my husband and I have a daily routine.  It’s sometimes incredibly frustrating but I can see we have come so far and I look forward to us having a home and the kind of life we planned for.

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